Class of '56 Reunion  2005, page 4

In and around Hollywood, Ft. Lauderdale, and Key West!

What can be better than a reunion in Florida in the depths of winter?

From right to left, John Staley, Ken Werk, Barbara Rahn, Cordelia Lundquist and Jack Stimis
docked their yachts on the Intercoastal.

Marc Eisner, all agreed, made his presence known at an Art Fair in Lauderdale.

Jeanne Wolff (Class of '57) of Ft. Lauderdale, shows Sharon Heald the view from her home in the sky.

Sharon and Jeanne on the balcony.

And the lunch Jeanne served to friends was good, too!

Barbara Rahn, Sharon Heald, Diane Pettingell, Jeanne Wolff, Jan Hodes, Carol Sanger, Suan Cowan.

And on to Key West!

Zita, Janet Hodes and Sharon Heald look for Harry Truman, Ernest Hemingway and his 6-toed cats!

Key West is a little expensive, Zita reports!

But Janet Hodes confirms it's all woth it!

"They're just going to love the car I bought in Vegas," Jan chortled.

Barbara Rahn, Janet Hodes, Sharon Heald and Susan Cowan.

Four women can really pack up a van!

What on earth is Sharon considering doing here?! Call Homeland Security!

Susan Cowan and Janet Hodes checked out everything.

Even Auto Part's stores!

Is Susan considering opening up a franchise?

Janet and Susan have lunch in Key Largo. But where are Bogie and Lauren?

Sharon, Susan, Zita, Cordelia, with Janet and Barbara (standing) meet in Key Largo for lunch.

Zita is now also an honorary member of the Class of '56.

Susan and Cordelia say goodbye to each other.

On the road again, or not!

Sue remains calm, cool, and collected while wondering if she will miss her flight.

Barbara beseeches Triple A to come quickly!

Florida's reunion was clearly not spoiled by a bird of ill omen!

Susan Cowan, tamer of birds, rivals an impressionist painting in this beautiful scene.

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