"Hello" from Across the Years and Miles!

(Click on the names below for faster access to individual photos or news.)

Congratulations to Bill Sedlacek!
Tony Petullo enriches the Art World, again!
"What's UP with Air Sedlacek?"
Butch Johnston ain't over the hill yet! (Or the Grand Canyon!)
Beauty in Joe Brooks's Back Yard
Tony Petullo's new book: ART WITHOUT CATEGORY
Ron Tschudy's Dog and Digs
Karol and Butch Johnston Celebrate 70 and the New Year!
Joe Brooks and Doug Walker Celebrate 28 Years and Their Wedding!
Ralph and Nancy Forlenza Celebrate Their 50th Anniversary!
Happy Mother Pat Goggin and her family
Joe, Sharon, June and Diane in San Juan, Capistrano (Feb. 2008)
Ron Tschudy and Steve Phillips, Paris, Oct. 2007
Susan, Diane, Sharon and Steve Meet in London, Oct. 2007
Classmates do lunch with Marc and Michele Eisner, Nov. 2006
Roberta Jacobs and Her Family say "Hello!"
Bob Fitch and Ron Tschudy, NYC, March 2006
Mini Reunion, Rancho Palos Verdes, California, February 2006
Sharon Heald, Elaine Umland Brownlee, Karol Kane Johnston, Carol Sanger
Ray Logan, Margaret May Logan, Jim Brownlee
Jim Brownlee and Ron Tschudy
Manhattan Beach, CA, Dinner with Marc and Michele
Sue, June, Sharon and Diane in London
Diane Staes and Jackie Peacock at Park Forest House Museum

Congratulations to Bill Sedlacek!

Sed received the William R. "Bud" Thomas Mentoring Award
College Student Personnel Program
College of Education - University of Maryland - 2011

"For excellence in sustained, developmental mentoring of
graduate college student personnel students."

Alumni who nominated Sed praised him: "Quietly and without fanfare he has profoundly affected the lives, knowledge and professional character of numerous students and colleagues. He has lived a commitment of access and success for students of diverse backgrounds"; "He reminded us to study what we know, to turn presentations into articles, to look at an issue from other people's perspectives, to eat fruit snacks, and to enjoy a good baseball game from time to time. He shared some of his own successes and struggles, letting us see him as a person rather than simply as our mentor or as a researcher"; Many nominators wrote: "He continues to be a significant "sounding board" for me as I make key professional decisions, even 20 years later." Sed is a Professor Emeritus of Education and for 40 years he was the Assistant Director, of the Counseling Center and Director of Testing, Research and Data Processing until his Retirement in 2007.

Established in 2003 by the College Student Personnel graduate program, this award honors excellence in mentoring between higher education professionals and graduate college student personnel students. The conference was sponsored by the Department of Counseling and Personnel Services' College Student Personnel program.

William L. "Bud" Thomas, Jr. served the University of Maryland as Vice President for Student Affairs for over 25 years until his retirement in 2001. He also served the students of the College Student Personnel graduate program as a professor in the doctoral capstone seminar for many years. Thomas was committed to the development of new professionals and he mentored scores of doctoral students.

Last year Sed was named a Fellow of the American Counseling Association in March 2010 for his "significant and unique contributions to scientific achievement in the counseling profession."

Sed also was a featured presenter at the National Conference on Family Literacy in San Antonio, Texas. He spoke on "Success in Family Literacy Using Noncognitive Variables."

Also, just before the Tsunami, Sed gave a presentation at Nagoya University in Japan on alternative admissions measures that could be employed in selecting students for an English language program the University was beginning. We wish the best to all those affected by the disaster there.

Check Sed's website for more information - http://williamsedlacek.info/

Bev, Sharon and Tony

Sharon Heald belongs to a group affiliated with Chicago's Museum of Contemporary Art. She suggested the group take a trip to
Milwaukee to see Tony Petullo's  Outsider Art collection. They first went to his private gallery in downtown Milwaukee
where he gave a talk.  Then they went to his lovely lakeside home  to view his collection both in the house and the
installations in his garden. Tony and Bev were gracious hosts.
Sharon reported that Tony is donating 300 works of art to the Milwaukee Art Museum which will make it
the museum with the most important collection of self taught art of any in this country and one of the most
significant in the world. There is an exhibition of these donated works scheduled for
February 2012 at the Milwaukee Art Museum. You can learn more about Tony's collection HERE


One of our STAR basketball players, Bill Sedlacek, is now
doing equally stellar work in other ways. Be sure to click on "Cosas Extrañas"
when you get to his website which is HERE.

Karol Kane Johnston writes: "At 71 and a half years old, Butch successfully hiked in and out of the Grand Canyon in March 2010.
He trained by hiking over 200 miles of Arizona mountains." Way to go, Butch! Karol can't keep a good man down!

Rich High alums, Sonny Benz, Diane Staes Joe Brooks, June Ewing and Bonnie Wainwright
enjoyed the warm California sun in Joe's back yard
while celebrating life and long time friendships.

Front Cover


Whose woods these are I know I know,
He and the Mrs are buried in snow!
They will not hear me barking here
To send you all a little cheer!
Up on the rooftop Ron did shovel
To spare a collapse on their woodsy hovel!
                           --Poet Dobie (Frost) Tschudy

Karol and Butch, Allison and Scott, Pam and Jeff
and Debbie and Tom.
"I wish my dear classmates a healthy 2009, and for the world...peace."
"And Happy Birthday to all who are 70 years old or are gonna be!"

Joe Brooks and Doug Walker of San Diego were legally married on August 31st,
the 28th Anniversary of their life partnership. They invited 80
guests for a "sit down" in their back yard and ended the celebration with
a wedding cake from the famous dessertier, Michele Coulon.

Ralph and Nancy 1958

Ralph says: "Honey, Can we go home now?" Nancy with her new glasses says, "Sure!"

Pat Goggin with her daughter Tracy and her son Scott, below

February 2008 - Joe, Sharon, June and Diane in San Juan Capistrano. The interesting round objects
on the wall were possibly used for gold mining. Others seem to think they were shields from
the swallows that return en masse every March 19th!

Steve and Ron outside the Musee d'Orsay
with an amused stranger, bottom right.
It was their first meeting after 20 years!

Diane, Susan, Steve and Sharon met in London recently. Steve came from Versailles
with a bottle of champagne and then they lunched and chatted
(and drank a little more) throughout the day.

Photo from Diane Staes.
Front Row: Michele and Marc Eisner
Standing: Sonny Benz, Diane Staes, Joe Brooks, June Swift and Bonnie Wainwright

Roberta Jacobs Shaver and her husband Don in Santa Barbara.

Bob Fitch and Ron Tschudy enjoyed a reunion in NYC in February of 2006.
Bob autographed his latest book, SOLIDARITY FOR SALE, for Ron. The book is available
through Amazon and other booksellers.

Mini Reunion, February 2006, at Diane and Jim Staes' home in Rancho Palos Verdes, California.
Front Row, Left to Right: June Swift, Karol Johnston, Michele Eisner
Back Row: Diane Staes, Sharon Heald, Joe Brooks, Marc Eisner, Carol Sanger.

Sharon Heald, Elaine Umland Brownlee, Karol Kane Johnston, and Carol Sanger
tryout for cheerleading, 2005 style!
(Photo taken at the Class of 1955 reunion, October 1, 2005.)

Ray Logan, Margaret May Logan and Jim Brownlee.
(Photo taken at the Class of 1955 reunion, Oct. 1, 2005.)

Jim Brownlee and Ron Tschudy, Minooka, September 2004

Doug Walker, Michele and Marc Eisner (front) and Joe Brooks and Diane Staes (standing)
recently met for dinner in Manhattan Beach, CA.

Pussy cats, pussy cats, where have you been?
We've been to London to visit the queen!

Diane Pettingell Staes and Jackie Novak Peacock visit the Park Forest House Museum,
August 2003.


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